'F' Is For Fail - First Minister!

How interesting that two senior Scottish business leaders, Willie Haughey and Tom Hunter, should both mark Nicola Sturgeon as a 'fail' despite their different political leanings.

On the NHS and education, areas completely devolved to the Scottish Parliament, both say the outgoing First Minister failed to deliver on her promises.



First Minister’s report card marked as ‘a fail’

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon arriving at her home in Glasgow after announcing that she will stand down as First Minister for Scotland after eight years. Picture date: Thursday February 16, 2023.

By Dominic Ryan - The Herald

In the wake of Nicola Sturgeon’s resignation, Sir Tom Hunter and Lord Willie Haughey have spoken out about her departure from frontline politics. Sir Tom acknowledged Ms Sturgeon was “probably the most capable politician of her generation”.

He said: “She was a politician who won elections and her popularity rating, even eight years in the job, was the envy of her peers.

“I don’t think there’s any other politician who was in the job for this length of time who enjoyed the popularity rating, but and it’s quite a big but, her record on what matters to the people of Scotland and pretty much every voter in Scotland, I’m afraid that’s a different tale. For example, on the NHS, which is a totally devolved part of government.

“So nobody can blame Westminster for this, after eight years. It’s worse than when she came to power on education, again, totally devolved from Westminster and the First Minister actually said this was her defining mission. So after eight years of being the leader, education is in a worse state then where she found it.

“On the economy, which matters to us, businesses really felt that we didn’t have a voice, that business was not that important to the First Minister and I think that is going to be a defining thing for me.

“So I’m afraid, on delivery, I would mark our First Minister’s report card as a fail.”

Lord Haughey was keen to point out Ms Sturgeon had promised to close the attainment gap, adding: “That has failed miserably. So, if you judge me by what I do, then I’m sorry, it’s not about your popularity, it’s not about winning elections, it’s about what you delivered. Unfortunately that was an anchor around your neck.”

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