Hold The Front Page - Politician Speaks The Truth!

Fair comment - and signs of progress for the SNP - the gender zealots and party hacks will no doubt hold this against Kate Forbes, but who knows - maybe the ordinary members will rally to her side!

Fair comment - and signs of progress for the SNP - the gender zealots and party hacks will no doubt hold this against Kate Forbes, but who knows - maybe the ordinary members will rally to her side!

Kate Forbes says publicly what the overwhelming majority of Scots think and know to be true - trans males (including rapists) are men not women.

SNP gender zealots and party hacks will no doubt attack Forbes for being honest and outspoken, but who knows ordinary SNP members may rally to her side!

What Has Four Eyes And Can't See? (February 15, 2023)

No, it's not Mississippi.

It's the bespectacled leader of the SNP and Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon - who is so trapped by her support for gender ideology and self-ID that she refuses to say that a male rapist is a man not a woman.

Under Scots law, of course, only a man can be convicted of rape.

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