SNP - Higher Taxes, Fewer Services and More Broken Promises

The media frenzy over Nicola Sturgeon's resignation took people's eyes off this year's budget setting process in  Scotland's 32 local councils.

But the outcome in 2023 is the same as in previous years, a poisonous cocktail of far higher council taxes (an increase of 5% in Glasgow) and charges - and poorer council services.

The SNP leader of Glasgow City Council, Cllr Susan AItken, had the cheek to blame the Tories and Westminster for this debacle because the truth is local council finances are in a terrible mess after 10 consecutive years of budget cuts imposed cuts by SNP ministers.

To add insult to injury the SNP, of course, promised to abolish the council tax and reform local government finance way back in 2007 - the year Nicola Sturgeon became Deputy First Minister.


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