Blind Dates, Cilla Black and 'Transphobia'

Here's another illustration that 'true believers' in all this queer theory malarkey are exceedingly rare.

Two trans women were set up on a blind date without being told their dates for the evening were actually men, ie biological males complete with penises.

Now according to queer theorists and gender ideologues this shouldn't matter, but it did of course and the evening ended in disaster with people not speaking to each other after being accused of, you guessed it, 'transphobia'.

Just as well Cilla Black never had these problems.

"You Cannot Change Your Sex" (July 07, 2022)

Professor Robert Winston explains that people cannot change their sex - because your male or female sex is embedded in every cell in your body.

Isn't it odd Scottish Ministers put such store in 'following the science' during the battle with Covid - yet SNP/Green politicians are arguing that we should reject science when it comes to trans issues.

Ask A Scientist: Professor Robert Winston Answers 100 Big Questions from  Kids Around the World! : Winston, Robert: Books


Follow the Science - Stand Up, Speak Out! (October 18, 2021)

Professor Robert Winston calls a spade a spade by explaining that people cannot change their sex - and that for speaking this simple, scientific truth he is likely to be smeared as a bigot and transphobe.

Well said, sir - and well done for speaking out!

Ask A Scientist: Professor Robert Winston Answers 100 Big Questions from  Kids Around the World! : Winston, Robert: Books


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