Glasgow - Local Democracy in Action
People might make Glasgow, so the slogan goes, but I haven't received a reply to my letter to the City Council leader, Cllr Susan Aitken, on local infrastructure improvements - see post below.
Now I think's its reasonable to expect a response within a week from the Leader's office.
Especially when the issue involves an artificial deadline the Council itself has set bang in the middle of the summer holidays.
So is this business of engaging with local people for real - only time will tell.
People Make Glasgow (July 18, 2022)
I wrote to Cllr Susan Aitken last week about a consultation which is underway about making improvements to the local infrastructure in 23 council wards across Glasgow.
Local infrastructure is 'council speak' for roads, footpaths, lighting and public spaces etc.
My problem is that I can't see how local people can get involved in this exercise because my Community Council (the statutory body for consultation) does not meet again until September - and the closing date for responses is 22 July 2022.
So here's hoping that common sense will prevail and that local people will be able to get 'up to speed' with the issues involved and have the opportunity to put forward proposals before any final decisions are made.
Dear Cllr Aitken
Glasgow City Council - Local Infrastructure Improvements
I have been in contact with my local councillors regarding the programme of local infrastructure improvements announced by Glasgow City Council recently.
I would like to ask you as Council Leader to extend the current deadline for submitting proposals which is due to expire on 22 July 2022.
The reason being that there is not a meeting of my local Community Council (the statutory consultative body) over the summer holidays and the next scheduled meeting is not due until September.
I have asked my local councillors to share information on what kind of local projects might be achievable within the proposed budget of @ £1million, but no useful information has been provided so far which suggests the idea of 'consulting the local community' is likely to fall flat without more time to consider ideas or specific proposals before a final decision is made.
I imagine the same thing is happening across the city and it would clearly be very disappointing if a good initiative on local consultation failed because of a lack of time and preparation.
I look forward to your reply and am copying this letter to my local councillors along with the other party group leaders in the Council.
Kind regards
Mark Irvine