Follow the Science - Stand Up, Speak Out!

Professor Robert Winston calls a spade a spade by explaining that people cannot change their sex - and that for speaking this simple, scientific truth he is likely to be smeared as a bigot and transphobe.

Well said, sir - and well done for speaking out!

Ask A Scientist: Professor Robert Winston Answers 100 Big Questions from  Kids Around the World! : Winston, Robert: Books

Bogus Claims and Smears (August 18, 2021)


Seems like Patrick Harvie's knee-jerk response to criticism is to accuse people of being bigots.

Andy Wightman warned about a "censorious, bullying and intimidatory" attitude among would-be ministers and now Scottish journalism is being smeared with bogus claims of transphobia as well.


Bullies, Transphobes and the Scottish Parliament (August 09, 2021)

The Times reports that some SNP members are getting increasingly jumpy about doing a deal to bring the Greens into the Scottish Government.

So they should since the Scottish Green Party (SGP) leader (Patrick Harvie) stands accused of calling his former MSP  colleague, Andy Wightman, a 'transphobe' which is no way for a minister, or potential minister, to behave, if you ask me.

Wightman, widely respected on a cross party basis during his time in the Scottish Parliament, has also described the SGP leadership as 'censorious, bullying and intimidatory'.

Seems fair given that Wightman was threatened with disciplinary action for supporting a vote to allow victims of sexual crimes (predominantly women) to choose the sex, rather than the gender, of the person who examined them.

Surely the Scottish Parliament should probe and look into these allegations before the respective leaders of the SNP and SGP stitch up some grubby deal? 


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