Trump's Conspiracy Claims

Donald Trump is encouraging his supporters in swing states to criticise the conduct of election counts, but I have to confess my mind boggled at the banality of what these complainers had to say.

I mean where do you start with someone who's unhappy that an absentee Detroit ballot was mailed in from outside Detroit?


Election Counts - "It's Just Not True!" (0711/20)

Even Fox News doesn't believe the phoney baloney claims that observers are not allowed to be present at election counts.


Trump's Election 'Observers' (06/11/20)

Independent oversight of the voting system and election count already exists in every one of America's 52 states - whether Republican or Democrat controlled.

Election candidates are entitled to have their representatives present at the count to liaise with election officials to ensure fairness and transparency?

Yet Donald Trump lies and claims the process is unfair because gangs of his supporters have not been allowed to stand over and harass election officials at their place of work.



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