'Sticking Your Nose In Where It Doesn't Belong' vs 'Not Batting An Eyelid'

The Sunday newpapers continue to delve into the reasons behind the abrupt departure of Dominic Cummings and Lee Cain - two of Boris Johnson's closest advisers.

But they all conclude that Carrie Symonds, the Prime Minister's fiancee, played a crucial role in his decision.    

'You want a Prime Minister's spouse who's interested rather than doesn't care'

Boris Johnson's fiancee is said to 'hold court' in No 11 flat but supporters say she's a positive figure

By Edward Malnick - The Telegraph

How Cummings and Carrie Symonds vie for Johnson's attention

No 10 infighting reveals divergence of cultures, style and politics between PM’s top aide and fiancee

By Rajeev Syal, Peter Walker, Dan Sabbath and Simon Murphy - The Guardian

There were three in this marriage: Boris, Carrie and Dominic Cummings

In two tumultuous days, the Vote Leave contingent that brought the PM to power was expunged from No 10. But the undignified power struggle goes way beyond the relationship between his fiancée and his former chief aide

By Tim Shipman - The Sunday Times

Dominic Cummings axed over texts calling Boris Johnson's fiancee 'Princess Nut Nuts'

Boris Johnson flipped after Carrie Symonds revealed texts showing the cruel moniker - and the PM ordered his aide and sidekick Lee Cain to get out of No10, too

By Nigel Nelson - The Mirror

And social media manages to gets its tuppenceworth in as well.


Politics and Spouses - Carrie Symonds and Peter Murrell (13/11/20)

Media reports claim that Carrie Symonds, Boris Johnson's partner and fiancée, has been playing a pivotal role in the affairs of government over the past few days.

Now that's not a good thing if you ask me, since no one elected or even appointed Carrie Symonds to stick her nose in where it doesn't belong.

At the opposite end of the spectrum we have the curious case of Peter Murrell, husband of the First Minister and Chief Executive of the SNP whose remit includes, like all CEOs, 'knowing what's going on at all times'.

Yet Peter Murrell insists he 'knew nothing' about two important meetings between Nicola Sturgeon and Alex Salmond which were allegedly about SNP internal party matters - rather than the business of the Scottish Government.   

Curiouser and curiouser, as they say. 


Murrell's 'Manuel Defence' (10/09/2020)

Remembering Andrew Sachs, Manuel from Fawlty Towers | Stephen Liddell

I am not one of life's sceptics or a natural conspiracy theorist, but I have to say that Peter Murrell's explanation that he 'knew nothing' about Alex Salmond making two private visits to his home in 2018 sounds completely absurd.

Nicola Sturgeon has previously claimed that these visits were to do with SNP business and not the Scottish Government, but Peter Murrell is the chief executive of the SNP, as well as Nicola Sturgeon's husband.    

So it simply beggars belief that Peter Murrell turned a blind eye to what was going on because it's not exactly every day that a former First Minister turns up at your front door to have two separate meetings on important SNP business with your wife. 

Read Paul Hutcheon's report via the link below to the Daily Record.  



Sturgeon's husband says she did not tell him about Alex Salmond sexual misconduct complaints

Peter Murrell said his wife informed him she "couldn’t discuss the details" about her meetings with Salmond on the complaints

By Paul Hutcheon - Daily Record

Sturgeon and Murrell - PA Image

Nicola Sturgeon’s husband has said she did not inform him that sexual misconduct complaints had been made to the Government about Alex Salmond.

Peter Murrell, who is the SNP chief executive, said his wife told him she could not discuss what was talked about at meetings between her and Salmond at the couple’s home.

He said he became aware of the complaints after they were made public in August 2018.

In 2018, the Daily Record revealed that the Government had investigated complaints of sexual misconduct by two women against Salmond.

Salmond took legal action and the internal Government probe was ruled to be unlawful and tainted by apparent bias.

The botched investigation cost the taxpayer over £500,000 and led to a special Holyrood committee being set up.

A key issue being examined by MSPs is contact between Sturgeon and Salmond when the investigation was ongoing. The pair met at Sturgeon’s house and also spoke on the telephone.

She has previously said she met Salmond in her capacity as SNP leader, which put the focus on the party as well as the Government.

Murrell, the SNP’s long standing chief executive, was asked a series of questions by the committee about when he first knew of the complaints and the meetings between his wife and Salmond.

In a response, he said: “I became aware that complaints had been made under the Scottish Government procedure when the matter became public in August 2018.

“I knew about the meetings between Nicola and Alex Salmond at our home on 2 April and 14 July 2018 and I had the sense that something serious was being discussed. Nicola told me she couldn’t discuss the details. The nature of Nicola’s job means that when she tells me she can’t discuss something, I don’t press it.”

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