Mindless Morons and Shane MacGowan

Some mindless moron appears to have taken a hammer to the pathway in Barrowland Park displaying the names of all the bands to have played in the nearby, world famous Barrowland Ballroom.
For whatever reason this act of wanton vandalism focused on the pathway entries for Shane MacGowan and the Popes, and another act called Black Grape which I don't know.
In any event it's depressing to see that fellow Glaswegians can behave in such an ugly, anti-social way - spoiling and trashing a local neighbourhood which lots of people have worked hard to improve in recent years.

Shane MacGowan and the Popes - and Black Grape.

Sleeping with the Sirens, Skunk Anansie, Supergrass, Katy Perry and Judas Priest all survived unscathed - although they could do with a clean up.

Barrowland Park in Bloom (27/04/20)

Barrowland Park is in bloom again after its own winter shutdown - and the blossoms on the trees are beautiful at this time of year.
Barrowland Park and Oor Ziggy (04/11/20)

Glasgow's Barrowland Park looked at its best during the autumn sunshine last week - the trees were absolutely resplendent in their yellow, red and gold leaves.

The pathway running down the centre of the park was created by Glasgow artist Jim Lambie as part of the 'legacy' of the Commonwealth Games which were held in Glasgow in 2014.

The Pathway has the names of every band and artist who have played at the famous Barrowland Ballroom since 1983 - including David Bowie (see post below) and Bob Dylan.
PayFest and Oor Ziggy (03/07/19)

I said on the blog the other day that we are planning an 'Oor Wullie' bucket collection at Saturday's PayFest Party - in support of the fundraising campaign for Scotland's Sick Childrens' Hospitals.
The Barrowland staff will be in charge of the collection and the aim is to make a 'bid' for the David Bowie inspired 'Oor Ziggy' statue which is located (at the moment) at the corner of the Gallowgate and Bain Street, just a stone's throw away from Barrowland itself.
David Bowie played at The Barrowlands on 22 July 1997 and legend has it that Bowie caught one of the ballroom's stars as it fell from the ceiling, took this away as a memento after the gig, and gave the star pride of place in his Paris apartment.
The Barrowland staff will be in charge of the collection and the aim is to make a 'bid' for the David Bowie inspired 'Oor Ziggy' statue which is located (at the moment) at the corner of the Gallowgate and Bain Street, just a stone's throw away from Barrowland itself.
David Bowie played at The Barrowlands on 22 July 1997 and legend has it that Bowie caught one of the ballroom's stars as it fell from the ceiling, took this away as a memento after the gig, and gave the star pride of place in his Paris apartment.
Is this be spot at the Barrowlands in Glasgow where David Bowie had a brush with a Glasgow star ?#bbcgms 0820
The Oor Ziggy statue, along with all the others, is due to be auctioned off at the end of September and all proceeds from the auction (including the unsuccessful bids) will go towards the Sick Childrens' Hospitals appeal.
The Barrowland, St. Luke’s and BAaD (Barras Art and Design) will use the money raised at PayFest and other events to bid for Oor Ziggy and if successful, the statue will be moved to the Barrowland Park which is just along the road between Gallowgate and London Road.

I certainly hope so.