Trump, God and the Deep State
Trump's deep state conspiracy knows no bounds:

Trump supporters went 'down the the sea in ships at the weekend' - to Lake Travis in Austin, Texas where their little 'armada' had a run in with the local weather.

No less than 5 boats were sunk and wags on Twitter got into the spirit of things by creating the hashtag #dumbkirk

A Trump supporter died and went to heaven.
God: You've lived honestly. As your reward, I'll answer one question.
Trump supporter: Who REALLY won the 2020 election?
God: Joe Biden.
Trump supporter: This conspiracy goes deeper than I thought.
2020 Election Jokes (07/11/20)
Why can't Donald Trump go to the White House anymore?
Down To The Sea In Ships (07/09/20)

Trump supporters went 'down the the sea in ships at the weekend' - to Lake Travis in Austin, Texas where their little 'armada' had a run in with the local weather.

No less than 5 boats were sunk and wags on Twitter got into the spirit of things by creating the hashtag #dumbkirk