Patronising Prick

Far be it from me to come to the aid of the former Scottish Labour leader Johann Lamont who resigned the other day, but I have to say that I found Ed Miliband's response completely patronising. 

A UK Labour party source said: "She realised it was time for a change in Scotland, she has put the party first.

"Ed (Miliband) regards her as an honourable woman who has served the party well and we hope will serve the party again in the future."

Now I've never been a fan of Johann Lamont's yet she did raise some important issues in her resignation statement and in a subsequent interview she gave to the Daily Record newspaper.

Issues that require a response from the UK leader Ed Miliband because it's not every day that someone says that the Scottish Labour Party is being treated like a 'branch office' of the UK Labour Party in London.

Especially the outgoing Scottish Labour leader.

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