NHS and Holiday Pay

The latest new group of workers to get in involved the holiday back pay campaign are staff employed in the NHS.

Incredible as it seems, lots of different job categories in the NHS appear not to have been paid their 'normal' pay during holidays and annual leave, so people have not been credited properly for shifts, weekend and overtime working. 

Now this certainly didn't happen in the days when I worked in the NHS in Glasgow and later when I represented NHS staff in London as a full-time official with NUPE.

So I'm surprised that the health trade unions have not stepped in long before now and put a stop to this practice, but in any event it seems to be widespread and there have already been lots of enquiries to HBPC from health workers in NHS Lanarkshire, Grampian and Greater Glasgow and Clyde.

I've been doing some research into the levels of trade union membership in the NHS and far fewer people are union members than I ever expected, less than 50% I would say. 

Perhaps that helps to explain what's going on, but if someone you know works in the NHS then suggest that they take this simple HBPC test       

Simple HBPC Test (12 September 2014)

Here's a simple test to help discover if you have a holiday backpay claim.
  1. Take your entire wages for 3 months without holiday pay and divide by 3 to give you your average pay for those 3 months.
  2. Then compare this average pay with your pay in the month you were on paid leave. 
  3. If your holiday pay is less than your average pay, then it is less then it is highly likely you have a claim. 
If in doubt make a claim. 
If you don’t make a claim you won’t get paid anything - as many people found out to their cost over equal pay. 
If you the sums don't work out for you, then pass the word on to your friends, family members and colleagues as they may have a claim, especially if they work shifts or regular overtime. 
If you would like a claim form please visit http://www.holidaybackpayclaims.co.uk and fill in the ‘New Claim Pack’ request form.

Or contact HOLIDAY BACK PAY CLAIMS LIMITED on the following numbers: 0800 024 6888or 0141 343 8066 

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