Vote Green Go Red

'Red and green should never be seen' - is an old saying.

But what it says to me is how ridiculous the Green Party has become these days - it's a sort of half-baked version of what was the Scottish Socialist Party - and Old Labour.

In recent months it's become clear that countries across the world have got themselves into serious trouble by promoting economic growth at all costs - based on unsustainable levels of public and private debt.

But what do the Green Party have to say in Scotland - spend, spend spend - defend all public spending because every pound is a pound well spent!

Now I've voted for the Green Paty in Scotland before - whether I would do so again is doubtful at this stage.

I thought the Green Party message was for sustainable growth and development - not that capitalism is bad but that rampant unbridled capitalism is bad.

The kind of greedy, ruthless reckless capitalism practiced by that crook Bernie Madoff - and perhaps his Scottish counterpart - Sir Fred Goodwin.

In some ways that's what Ed Miliband is trying to say - though he has still to explain what he means.

But going back to my point about the Green Party - I imagined this would be a heaven sent opportunity for the Greens to say in a nice way - 'We told you so!'  

The world can be a better place, a happier place - without always year-on-year being an ever more wealthy place - and the way to achieve that is by sustainable growth and development.

It's the kind the Gordon Brown used to talk about as well - before the booming UK  economy went bust again - of course. 

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