Russian News
Thunderbirds Are Go! |
Russia's Strong Man Speaks Out
One that will grapple with the real issues facing his great country - instead of being a puff or a put-up job organised by United Russia and the PM's fan club.
I'll believe it when I see it - for example, will experienced journalists from outside of Russia be allowed to take part - in the great event?
If not - then expect a series of questions along the following lines:
1 What's the capital of Russia?
2 Do you like spicy food?
3 Who is your favourite Russian oligarch?
4 Are you in favour of world peace - and a kinder, gentler form of capitalism?
5 Is Boris Yeltsin really a good dancer?
6 Have you missed being Russia's President and how big a majority do you expect in next year's election?
7 Do you think you will be an even better President when you are elected for a third term of office?
Remember - you heard it hear first.
And if I die from radioactive polonium poisoning in the next few months - then draw your own conclusions.