Arrest Terry Wogan!
The Old Petrolhead poked fun at the 'furore' surrounding his comments on the BBC's The One Show - where he said that workers going on strike over public sector pensions should be lined up and shot - in front of their families.
Now I didn't take this seriously at the time.
But apparently some folks did and they tried to cause an almighty row - that fizzled out after a few days - presumably because it was just plain daft.
Well last week Jeremy Clarkson got his revenge with the following comment in his ST column:
"And it was all ridiculous. During Wimbledon one year I seem to recall that Terry Wogan said he'd like to take a machinegun to all the people on Henman Hill. No one took him seriously, but me, the two-bit presenter of a poky motoring show on BBC2? Somehow an opinion that wasn't even mine had become the nation's No 1 topic of conversation."
Now I didn't hear Terry Wogan's comment - but I have no reason to doubt that he made it - and did so with his tongue firmly in his cheek.
So while I don't agree on much with Jeremy Clarkson - I think it's game, set and match to him on this particular occasion.
And if some people don't agree with that - no doubt they'll launch a big festive campaign - to arrest Terry Wogan.