Arrest Terry Wogan!

Jeremy Clarkson had some fun in his regular column for the Sunday Times last week.

The Old Petrolhead poked fun at the 'furore' surrounding his comments on the BBC's The One Show - where he said that workers going on strike over public sector pensions should be lined up and shot - in front of their families.

Now I didn't take this seriously at the time.

But apparently some folks did and they tried to cause an almighty row - that fizzled out after a few days - presumably because it was just plain daft.

Well last week Jeremy Clarkson got his revenge with the following comment in his ST column:

"And it was all ridiculous. During Wimbledon one year I seem to recall that Terry Wogan said he'd like to take a machinegun to all the people on Henman Hill. No one took him seriously, but me, the two-bit  presenter of a poky motoring show on BBC2? Somehow an opinion that wasn't even mine had become the nation's No 1 topic of conversation." 

Now I didn't hear Terry Wogan's comment - but I have no reason to doubt that he made it - and did so with his tongue firmly in his cheek.

So while I don't agree on much with Jeremy Clarkson - I think it's game, set and match to him on this particular occasion. 

And if some people don't agree with that - no doubt they'll launch a big festive campaign - to arrest Terry Wogan.

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