Glasgow - Job Evaluation Update

The Coronavirus outbreak has caused huge amounts of  disruption across the globe, but this has also led to new ways of working (from home where possible) to ensure that normal, everyday life doesn't grind to a complete halt.

So I'm pleased to report that the vital work of replacing Glasgow's 'unfit for purpose' WPBR pay scheme continues, at least as far as A4ES and the trade unions are concerned.

In recent days our resident A4ES job analyst - Giuliana (Jules) Mazzoni - has been wracking her brain to come up with a way of continuing with her work and has come up with a great solution by conducting JE interviews via Skype or telephone.

Jules has been pushing ahead with the JE exercise, despite the uncertainty caused by the Coronavirus epidemic, and is working remotely to support jobholders in Glasgow City Council whose jobs are due to be evaluated.

What this means in practice is that Giuliana will send all participants a link to the JE questionnaire beforehand, by email, along with some user-friendly guidance to help jobholders complete the questionnaire.

The interviews will take place over  as many sessions as people need. For telephone interviews this may require three sessions at around 30-40 minutes at a time. Skype or video calls will probably require only one or two sessions.

The first interview has already been completed and here's what the jobholder (Margaret) had to say:

"The interview has been a lot easier than I thought. Some of the questions seem a bit daunting at first, but Giuliana was able to explain them and help me see how they applied to my job as an Escort. 

"I love a chat so it would have been good to do the interview face to face but doing it over the phone was easy and we were able to do it over a few phone calls this week."

Escort - Glasgow City Council

So while this wretched Coronavirus business raises lots of new challenges, I think it's fair to say that with some good, old-fashioned Scottish grit and imagination we have found a way to keep going - and thanks are due to Jules and Margaret for getting things off to a flying start!

A4ES is now looking for people in the following job roles to play their part in either a telephone or Skype interview (which can be done while in lockdown or self-isolation):

  • Secondary School Support for Learning Worker
  • Escort
  • Glasgow Life Assistant
  • Home Carer
  • School Crossing Patroller
  • Catering Assistant
  • Clerical Assistant (non education)
If readers would like to volunteer, please get in touch with Jules at: or on: 07563 190261

The last word goes to Jules who is looking forward to hearing from lots of people in the target job groups in the days ahead.

"Conducting the interviews remotely although different to what we would usually is working very well so far. 

"We can take the interview at whatever pace suits you and we can be flexible with times. I will be available outside agreed interview times to offer any help or guidance when you are looking through the questionnaire.

"Doing this via telephone or Skype means that we can be more flexible on the length of interview which may suit a lot of jobholders better than sitting down face to face for 2–3 hours. 

"So don't be put off by the lack of direct face-to-face contact because we can still gather all the data we need from home!"


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