Burning Off Coronavirus Calories (2)

Here's another set of great dance routines for burning off those Coronavirus calories.

Thanks to my friend Pauline for sharing this excellent video from Ricardo Walker and his team.


Burning Off Coronavirus Calories (29/03/30)

If you're stuck at home wondering how to work off  excess calories during the enforced Coronavirus lockdown, why not try some of these dance steps to 'Gerdundula' - a famous track by Status Quo I'd not heard in a very long time.

According to Francis Rossi, the band's lead singer and guitarist, Gerdundula is:

"a strange little tune that has... no bass guitar, two lead guitars that are out of tune with each other, two rhythm guitars that are out of tune with each other. And um, a lyric that's got nothing to do with the song at all, and we named it after two people that we knew and that don't have anything to do with the song and are never mentioned."

Anyway, good luck with the dance steps and with what I suspect will end up in lots of visits to your chiropractor and/or trips to the local A&E.


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