Leadership Farce (15/08/15)

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The New Statesman magazine seems to be the most reliable source of information regrading the Labour leadership race and reports that a remarkable 610,753 people have applied to vote in the contest.
The magazine goes on to say that after extend the registration deadline, a further 17,755 new members, 99,703 new affiliated (trade union) members and 51,295 new registered supporters have joined in the fun.
So the total 'selectorate' is made up of 299,755 full members and 310,998 voters who are not party members, the 310,998 figure comprising 189,703 trade union voters and 121,295 who have paid £3 to vote in the contest.
For the first time in a political parties history, perhaps, the number of non-party members taking part will exceed the number of paid-up party members casting their vote.
I cannot see how Jeremy Corbyn can fail to win outright on the first ballot because there has clearly been a well-organised, well funded attempt to boost interest in the contest with such disparate forces as the trade unions and The Daily Telegraph encouraging their supporters to register as new voters.
To be fair the number of paid-up party members has increased as well, but it will be very interesting to see how the votes break down because having got rid of its ridiculous electoral college with three different weighted sections (Party Members, MPs and Trade Unions), Labour seems to have ended up with another equally mad system.
In effect the three part electoral college has returned in another guise with Party Members, Trade Unions Members and New Registered Voters replacing the old system which was abolished by Ed Miliband and the Falkirk vote rigging scandal.
Sounds to me as if Labour may have jumped from fire into the frying pan in order to avoid the obvious and simple solution of electing its leaders by One Member One Vote.

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