Labour in Wonderland

Image result for mad hatter's tea party + images

Tony Blair took careful aim at the politics of the Jeremy Corbyn the other day, with an opinion piece in The Observer, in which he characterised Labour's next leader as living in the political equivalent of Alice in Wonderland. 

At the heart of Tony Blair's case is the compelling argument that a majority of the electorate supported the Conservatives because they regarded Labour as hostile to business and because they believed Ed Miliband was not really up to the task of bringing the public finances under control.

In other words the voters rejected Labour not because Ed Miliband was an 'austerity-lite' version of David Cameron, but because Labour were not regarded as credible or tough enough on the big economic issues of the day.

And as Tony Blair points out the only left-wing government in Europe, led by Alexis Tsipras in Greece, has been forced to accept a bail-out package and programme of economic reforms which are significantly tougher than the policies of the previous Greek government that Syriza helped to eject in January 2015.   

Syriza, of course, has since split and has called new election in September with Prime Minister calling for a 'stronger mandate' to implement the reforms agreed in the bail-out package with the European Union.

Now that really is mad, about as mad as a Mad Hatter's tea party, if you ask me and you can read Tony Blair's article in full by following this link to The Observer.       

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