Dodged a Bullet

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While the Labour party's leadership election descends in chaos and recrimination, its architect Ed Miliband is nowhere to be seen or heard, though some media reports says he has been enjoying a family holiday in Australia. 

But it's worth reflecting that a party which has turned the Labour leadership contest into an complete shambles' was, until only a few weeks ago, trying to convince the electorate that Ed Miliband was prime ministerial material and had the ability to run the country.

As Lord McConnell said on the BBC 'Newsnight' programme the other night the whole thing is a "shambles" and Jack speaks as a former general secretary of the Labour Party in Scotland, a former leader of the Scottish Labour Party and former First Minister.

So he may have a point about organising and getting things done.

Although I think the bigger point is that UK voters dodged a bullet in May by deciding not to support Ed Miliband's quest to become UK Prime Minister.

Because his Labour Party reforms were meant to reduce trade union influence whereas, in practice, they've achieved exactly the opposite result.  

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