Private Eye
Yes, war is hell - but gruesome 'snuff' pictures sell newspapers - is the underlying message.
Is it right that we should show these photgraphs?
Worldwide condemnation followed our publication of the graphic photos showing the killing of Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi. The pictures are gruiesome, graphic and grotesque - byt they are also vital for an undertsnading of how newspapers need to boost their circulation at a difficult time.
We are inviting you, as Daily Gnome readers, to judge for yourselves whether these are suitable pictures for public consumption or whether they are more suitable for a snuff movie or a new production of Marat/Sade by the RSC (Is this right? Ed).
In order to assist you to make an informed judgement on this vital issues we are publishing a 94-page special souvenir supplement with the most comprehensive slection of "Pre", "During" and "Post" death photos of Gaddafi ever seen.
Warning: Many readers may be deeply shocked at the £3 price of the supplement and we apologise if we have not published sufficient unpleasant photographs.
Now turn to p94 and see for yourself the really horrid one where the bullet goes in and all the blood gushes out (That's not enough! Ed).