Bunga Jump

Well he finally jumped before he was pushed - but what did for Silvio Berlusconi in the end was his loss of control over the Italian economy - not his bunga bunga parties.

Italy now faces the same dilemma as Greece - with calls from the major opposition party to establish a  government of national unity - since no one seems to believe a word the politicians say anymore.

Where it will all end is anyone's guess - at the moment.

The politicians in Greece have exhausted themselves blaming each other - while the trade unions stoke the fires of discontent and blame everyone else.

No one wants to swallow any nasty medicine in Greece.

Yet lots of people, not just the very wealthy, have benefited from their largely tax free economy - and unsustainable welfare benefits - such as early retirement at age 53.

And it wasn't the bankers who created such a crazy system - even if they helped finance the madness and no doubt made plenty of money - while the good times rolled.

The time has come for people to grow up and take responsibility for their own actions - in Italy, Greece and elsewhere.

The Punch and Judy politics has got to stop - which is a very difficult thing to achieve - because it amounts to the same thing as getting a dog not to bark.

But that's the task in hand.

And the noises off to the left and the right - the voices of vested interest - have to be challenged and then ignored - if there is no other way.  

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