Poppy Evasion
I'm not sure if the people who write such things are already bonkers before they go online - or if it's the time and energy they spend on sharing their great thoughts - that actually drives them over the edge.
Either way it brightens up my day.
From The Message Boards
Members of the online community respond to the major issues of the day
Protesters to repeat poppy burning
I have no truck with the Muslims Against Crusades or their annual 'Hell For Heroes' protest with its tiresome poppy-burning ritual. I'll say this for them though: at least they buy a new poppy every year, even if they burn it.
But what of the weasels who flaunt the same faded poppy year after year? Introduce a different colour poppy every year. That will soon stop this insidious poppy evasion. The robber barons of our local authorities could then take a day off from their extortion and intsruct their army of 'parking wardens' to impose a hefty penalty on anyone without the right colour.
Silent Majority