Celebrity Britain

The fact the country is going to hell in a hand cart - doesn't seem to dent the nation's appetite for pap and nonsense about 'Celebrity Britain' - which somehow or other makes its way into the news.

My jaw dropped the other day when I read an inane interview with Ann Widdecombe - the former MP and official 'worst dancer in the world' - which managed to squirrel its way on to the BBC's web site.

Ann was complaining - loud and long - to someone called Fern Britton that she was "deliberately" snubbed by the Prime Minister - David Cameron - who denied her a seat in the House of Lords.

An honour and a peerage that's worth £300 a day in tax free allowances plus expenses - of course - on top of your MP's generous pension.

How dare he - the bounder - doesn't he appreciate Ann's unbridled sense of entitlement - and overblown opinion of herself?

I blame all these people who watch Strictly Come Dancing - for puffing up the already inflated egos of these mad politicians - whom we thought we'd got rid of, but who come back to haunt us on a daily basis it seems.

Next thing you know - we'll see Lord John Prescott in ballet shoes and a red rose tutu - dancing to the tune of the Sugar Plum Fairy.

But what on earth the BBC is doing giving airtime to these airheads - is beyond me.

I only hope there was no public money involved - because that would be the final insult to BBC licence payers and taxpayers.

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