Morality and Plurality

Public debate around phone hacking is about to shift from the actions of a few 'bad apples' at the News of the World (NOTW) - to a wider discussion about ethics and accountability in the press and media.

A word that will be become increasingly important in this public debate is 'plurality' - which means that a mixed economy of views, opinions and representation - is an inherently good thing.

Because plurality is an essential protection against the concentration of power - in the hands of one individual or organisation.

So a healthy degree of competition is good for democracy, the body politic, a thriving economy - and, of course, the press and media.

Which means that those opposed to Rupert Murdoch and News International being allowed to buy up the rest of BskyB - will be shouting about the need for plurality from the rooftops. 

Now I should declare an interest - or at least my views before proceeding any further - and my view is that the News International bid for BskyB should not be allowed to succeed.

Because it will create a dangerous monopoly - which is likely over time to reflect the partisan views of just one organisation - News International.

But plurality - or the absence of plurality - affects many other institutions and this is an opportunity for a much wider discussion about public accountability in the UK.

How about the trade unions, for example?

Over recent years trade unions have grown larger and ever more powerful - limiting and restricting the choice of ordinary union members or potential members - through the creation of super unions like Unite.

A merger between Unison and GMB is also on the cards - and of course these few unions completely dominate the Labour party.

And not just because these big public sector unions are the party's paymasters these days - providing Labour with over 90% of its funding.

But because they are also hugely influential in the selection of Labour candidates - and at Labour conference where they still control 50% of the votes. 

Plurality is noticeably absent in the big three public sector unions - since they affiliate only to the the Labour party - despite knowing full well that many of their members are not Labour supporters.

Things are even more laughable in Scotland - where the SNP has overtaken Labour in the popular vote - yet the unions behave as if the political landscape is unchanged from the good old days - when Labour ruled the waves.

So I say what's sauce for the goose - should be sauce for the gander.

By all means let's have a public debate about plurality and fair representation - but the trade unions and their links with the Labour party - deserve to be in the mix as well.

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