Cast of Thousands

Ever wondered what your BBC licence fee is spent on?

Well the good news is that it's going towards a mammoth job creation scheme - down in London.

Where the BBC sent 153 staff to report on a series of 'One Year To Go' events the other day - connected with the Olympic Games.

The London Games are of course being held in 2012 - not 2011.

So this initial wave of 153 BBC staff must be a drop in the ocean - compared to what's planned for next summer.

By way of comparison ITN - which produces several news programmes for ITV and Channel 4 -  sent just 22 staff to cover the day-long event - while Sky News sent 11 employees.

The BBC has come in for some a lot of criticism recently - much of it justified I have to say.

Not just over the bloated salaries paid to its senior managers and top 'stars' - hundreds of thousands of pounds a year - but also for the Corporation's overblown coverage of other 'major' news events.

The rescue of the trapped Chilean miners in 2010 - being a good example.

Where the Beeb had around 30 staff camped outside the rescue site 24/7 - as individual miners were brought - one by one - to the surface.

A BBC member of staff covering the event - who did not wish to be named - said the 'cast of thousands' was "complete overkill".

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