Censorship, Ireland and Father Ted

A Green party senator in Ireland argues that freedom of speech should be restricted in order to avoid offending anyone's sense of gender identity.

Now what this actually means is anyone's guess.

But the senator seems blissfully unaware, or maybe doesn't care, that if the same ludicrous test applied to religion, a great comedy show like Father Ted could never have been made.

Father Ted - Without The Laughs! (December 10, 2022)

With their call to ban 'Adult Human Female', a documentary on women's rights, the Edinburgh branch of the UCU (University and College Union) sound like Father Ted without the laughs.

Don't dare challenge self-ID or trans ideology - down with this sort of thing!

Ban Monty Python? (25/01/14)

Politicians in Northern Ireland have put Newtonabbey council on the map with a crazy decision to ban a play by the Reduced Shakespeare Company because they regard the production as blasphemous.

Now this remands me of an episode of Father Ted when the eponymous priest ands his sidekick, Dougal, are ordered by the fearsome Bishop Brennan (whom Ted has to 'kick up the arse' in a letter episode) which the pair duly do, of course, but with little success or enthusiasm.

But there's a serious point to this madness as well because the behaviour of the moral guardians in Newtonabbey puts them on a par with religious extremists in Pakistan who are fond of using that country's blasphemy laws to persecute non-Muslims - and it also takes us back to the bad old days in the 1970s when other 'moral guardians' in the UK tried to ban 'Life of Brian'.  

So the question for these crazy councillors is: "Are you going to ban Monty Python next?

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