Glasgow, Self-ID and Gender Ideology


If I remember correctly this TIE organisation which is being pushed by SNP councillor Christina Cannon has a former SNP councillor on its Board of Trustees - Rhiannon Spear.

Regular readers will recall that Rhiannon Spear was a Glasgow City councillor until 2022 acting as the council's spokesperson on education.

Unsurprisingly Cllr Spear decided not to stand for election again after news broke that she was in arrears with her council tax - despite being a senior councillor and in a position of leadership.

Glaswegians have no problems with lesbian, gay and bisexual rights, of course, but the Trans lobby is pushing a hotly contested new 'gender ideology' - a belief system based on self-ID which is anti-reason, anti-science and anti-women.

Glasgow Rejects Trans Ideology and Self-ID (June 21, 2023)

Glasgow City Council seems intent on pushing trans ideology on its citizens despite the fact that the vast majority of Glaswegians reject the notion that men can just magically declare themselves to be women.

Glaswegians have no problems with lesbian, gay and bisexual rights, but the Trans lobby is pushing a hotly contested ideology - a new belief system based on self-ID which is anti-reason, anti-science and anti-women.

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