Men Who Self-ID As Women Are Still Men - Including Glasgow Councillors

What an ugly, contemptible little speech from Cllr Gallagher in Glasgow City Council - a man who self-identifies as a woman. 

Trans zealots are now reduced to making wild, over-the-top, bogus claims about genocide and trans people being denied their very existence.

As if refusing to believe that men can magically declare themselves to be women is a denial of someone's human rights.

Baloney - it's not, of course.

Instead it's a perfectly sensible, reasonable stance shared by the vast majority of Scots including the vast majority of  Glaswegians.

Glasgow Rejects Trans Ideology and Self-ID (June 21, 2023)

Glasgow City Council seems intent on pushing trans ideology on its citizens despite the fact that the vast majority of Glaswegians reject the notion that men can just magically declare themselves to be women.

Glaswegians have no problems with lesbian, gay and bisexual rights, but the Trans lobby is pushing a hotly contested ideology - a new belief system based on self-ID which is anti-reason, anti-science and anti-women.

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