Glasgow, FoI and Equal Pay

As regular readers know, I have submitted an FoI Review Request over Glasgow City Council's bizarre response to my initial information request in which I asked for the minutes of the council's Corporate Management Team (CMT). 

The council's response stated that CMT minutes were only produced from 2010 onwards, yet officials (and former officials) I have spoken to confirm that this is complete nonsense and that CMT minutes were routinely produced by Glasgow City Council in the years prior to 2010.  

Not just that, of course, because the City Council contradicts its own response since the minute of the CMT meeting dated 5 January 2010 states:


"The note of the previous meeting of 24 November 2009 was agreed as an accurate record. No matters were raised. Agreed" 

Now Glasgow has brought in the Improvement Service to help the council become a world leader in its commitment to 'openness and transparency' which sounds rather unlikely, set against its bizarre and unhelpful response to a straightforward FoI request about the minutes of the council's Corporate Management Team.

Because I sent my Review Request to the council's Director of Governance back on 9 November 2017 and all these weeks later I haven't heard a single thing - not a word of apology, no explanation, not a cheep!  

World class are not exactly the words that spring to mind. 


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