Holyrood v Westminster

For some time I've been thinking about writing a series of posts about why I prefer the Scottish Parliament in Holyrood - over the Westminster Parliament in London.

Not because I have come out in favour of independence mind you - but I think it will help me decide how to vote in the run-up to the 2014 referendum.

My personal view is that there should be two questions on the 2014 ballot paper.

One of which asks whether I support much more extensive powers for the Scottish Parliament - Devo Max, or as it's commonly known.

Yet the powers that be have decided on one question - which I think is hugely insulting - since  like most Scots I am perfectly capable of holding two thoughts in my head at the same time.

I wouldn't be confused at the prospect of having two questions on the same ballot paper - even for a nano-second.

But as that's not going to happen now, let's get back to the world as it is and not how I would like it to be and consider one of the big issues for me.

So here - for me - is one of the big differences between the Holyrood and Westminster Parliaments.


Sleaze is almost non-existent in the Scottish Parliament - unlike its counterpart in Westminster where the MPs' expenses scandal and greedy behaviour in the bloated House of Lords has severely damaged the reputation of politics generally.

In the early years of the Scottish Parliament, there were some problems over expenses and the use of public money - but they were quickly resolved because MSPs, broadly speaking, are much more accountable for what they do and how they behave - any bad behaviour is swiftly exposed perhaps because Scotland is a goldfish bowl compared to London.

But whatever the reasons Scotland has not been bedevilled by allegations of financial  corruption and other forms of sleaze amongst its MSPs - of all parties - which is no doubt helped by the fact that Holyrood is a single chamber parliament unlike Westminster which has 831 'noble' lords even more than the 650 MPs in the House of Commons.

So, while I often disagree with what goes on at Holyrood I think that the Scottish Parliament is a much more open and accountable place as far as the wider public are concerned. I couldn't envisage any Scottish Government  behaving the way the last Labour Government in Westminster behaved - over the MPs' expenses scandal, for example.

All of which means that if I my vote depended on that issue alone - on a test of openness and accountability - my voye would definitely go to the Scottish Parliament.

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