Is Trump a Freemason?

Ever wondered where Donald Trump's 'America First' campaign slogan came from?
Well here's a photo of the Ku Klux Klan on the march proclaiming:
Now Donald Trump's father Fred was arrested in the wake of a violent KKK rally in New York back in the 1920s which is an interesting coincidence.
Donald himself has this weird thing going on with handshakes as if he's some kind of Freemason, and as everyone knows the KKK and Freemasonry have strong Scottish connections.
Fred Trump's wife (Donald's mother) Mary Anne MacLeod was from the Isle of Lewis, off the west coast of Scotland and so any conspiracy theorist worth their salt would be asking:
"Are all these issues connected, was Fred Trump a Freemason and is Donald Trump a Freemason?"
I think we should be told.
Trump Trumped
Donald Trump seems to have meet his match in the 'handshake wars' if this recent encounter with the President of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon, is anything to go by.
Masonic Handshake? (13/02/17)
Is Donald Trump a Freemason?
I have to admit I don't know, but he's certainly got a really weird handshake - one which seems to terrify the Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe who is clearly very relieved once Trump finally releases his grip.
Trump's True Face (22/08/17)

The front cover of Der Spiegel shows the 'true face' of Donald Trump and the magazine also highlights a KKK connection withTrump's father, Fred, who was arrested in the wake of a violent Klan rally in New York back in the 1920s.
Could it be that that Trump's ambivalence about condemning white supremacists has something to do with the environment young Donald grew up in at home?
I'll bet you a pound to a penny that Mississippi Burning and Django Unchained are nowhere near the top of Trump's list of all time favourite movies.
Trump's America (21/08/17)

Another great cartoon making fun of Donald Trump after his toxic remarks about there being some 'fine people' on the recent match in Charlottesville by the KKK, white supremacists and Neo Nazis.
Trump's America (20/08/17)
Donald Trump is seems intent on destroying his already beleaguered presidency with ill-judged comments about there being some 'fine people' among the Ku Klux Klan, Neo Nazis and white supremacists who marched in Charlottesville the other day.
Ben Jennings 'nails it' with this great cartoon depicting Trump in a corner, tweeting away furiously, unconcerned about the enormous harm he is doing with his crazy, out of control behaviour.
Trump's America (16/008/17)

Politicians are not necessarily responsible for the people who pledge loyalty to their cause, in much the same way as football clubs can't stop supporters from following their favourite team.
Unless, of course, said supporters step out of line, start behaving like hooligans, turn violent and threaten other people's safety, at which point those in positions of leadership have a duty to respond.
By any measure you care to use Donald Trump has failed this test of leadership because while he speaks of 'unifying' America he has a track record of goading and encouraging the worst instincts of his fan base.
The obvious example being his 'birther' campaign President Barack Obama which candidate Trump used to smear a Democrat President in a vile, racially motivated way.
The young child wearing a Ku Klux Klan suit is a symptom and a symbol of Trump's America.
Trump's America (02/01/17)
Yet another Trump supporter, Trent Bennett, a science teacher from Arkansas, has been exposed after making ugly racial comments about President Obama and the First Lady Michelle Obama whom he described as a 'chimp".
Now of course there are out of control supporters in every highly charged political situation, but this kind of vile behaviour is inexcusable and deserves to be condemned out of hand buy the President-elect himself.
Except that Donald Trump has encouraged his followers to believe that Barack Obama is not a legitimate POTUS with this involvement in the so-called 'birther' campaign alleging that President Obama is really not an American citizen.
Trump accepted subsequently that these allegations are completely false but lots of his supporters don't seem to have got the message - or don't want to perhaps having been whipped up into a frenzy of anger and prejudice.