Who Do They Think They Are? (2)

It's not just the cost of course - it's the fact that these elitist SNP/Green politicians want to avoid rubbing shoulders with the general public which gets on my nerves.

Who do they think they are?

Phoney Greens and Private Boats (June 02, 2023)

The wackadoodle Lorna Slater and her fellow Greens are always banging on about the 'climate emergency' and need to save the planet.

Yet here we have a Green minister hiring a private boat to visit the Isle of Rum instead of getting a Calmac Ferry, costing £.9.40 return, like everyone else.

Incredibly the SNP led Scottish Government are refusing to release the cost of this exclusive trip - presumably on the grounds it will cause huge embarrassment to the Greens and the SNP.

Read the full story in The Scottish Sun.

Lorna Slater is snubbing a CalMac service for a private boat

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