God Squad 1 - 0 Scottish Ministers

So the 'God Squad' have won a significant victory over Scottish Ministers who only last month were claiming that places of worship weren't closed at all.

But if people can socially distance safely inside a church, surely the same is true for gyms, cafes, restaurants and bars?


What Makes The God Squad So Special? (11/03/21)

Here's the ScotGov guidance of the safe use of places of worship before 'stay home' lockdown was introduced.

From the 26 March 2021 up to 50 people will be allowed into places of worship so long as they practice social distancing and in craning its advice Scottish Ministers have jumped straight over the old Level 4 and implementing the less restrictive Level 3 rules.

Now I don't have a problem with this other than the fact that I'd like to know what makes the God Squad so special - what about the rest of us who like to go the the gym, have a coffee or eat out?

Why aren't gyms, cafes and restaurants allowed to open on the same careful basis? 

Level 3 - Scottish Government guidance for the safe use of places of worship

Places of worship should not admit more than 50 people in total, regardless of venue size and usual capacity for Levels 0-3 and no more than 20 people at Level 4, as set out in the strategic framework. 

Level 4 - Scottish Government guidance for the safe use of places of worship

Places of worship are required to take measures to protect individuals, worshippers, staff members and volunteers from infection of COVID-19.  Indoor acts of worship are limited to a maximum of 20 people providing there is sufficient space to maintain safe 2 metre distancing.  Where premises cannot maintain 2 metre distancing the capacity will be reduced. Outdoor worship can still take place providing it takes place within the grounds of a place of worship with a maximum capacity of 20 people and there is sufficient space for 2 metre distancing. The 2 metre distance is not required between members of the same household or extended household, or between a carer and the person assisted by the carer.   

Places of worship are required to maintain a temporary register of worshipper and staff/volunteer contact details for a period of 21 days for Test and Protect. This is to support contact tracing as part of NHS Scotland's Test and Protect system, in the event of an outbreak linked to a particular venue.


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