Glasgow - Equal Pay Update

The Glasgow City Unison branch has written to all Glasgow councillors with a clear message on equal pay - senior council officials need to stop fighting old battles and lost causes, change their 'head in the sand' mindset and face up to their obligations to the workforce. 

UNISON Communication - Equal Pay Talks

Dear GCC Councillor,                                                                                                                                                             

I write to provide you with an update on the equal pay talks.  

The claimants representatives from UNISON, GMB and A4E continue to meet fortnightly with Carole Forrest, Council Director of Governance and other senior council officers. 

Discussions continue to focus too much on process matters rather than the main issues of considering the scope and level of payments due for past discrimination. Some of the senior council officers want to keep battling over issues they have already lost rather than agree a negotiated settlement. There also remains a reluctance on the senior council officers side to accept the fundamental faults of the current WPBR pay scheme.

The next meeting is on 17th April and we expect to see a change in attitude and approach from the senior council officers. If not, then we will have to consider alternative routes to increase the pressure on the council. 

We want the 11,000 claims for past discrimination settled as soon as possible and a new job evaluation scheme which delivers pay equality and justice for all workers going forward, and the money to pay for it.  We want pay justice for all and properly funded council services.


Brian Smith
Branch Secretary
UNISON Glasgow City
84 Bell Street
G1 1LH

Well said, Brian Smith, and the question that follows is: 

"Are Glasgow's councillors listening and getting the message because senior officials are behaving as if they have learned absolutely nothing since the Court of Session declared their WPBR pay arrangements to be discriminatory and 'unfit for purpose' back in August 2017."


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