Glasgow - FOI, Senior Officials and Equal Pay

Here's an application I've made to the Scottish Information Commissioner (SIC) over Glasgow City Council's failure to answer a freedom of information (FOI) request within the time limits laid down by the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002. Now this request was originally lodged back on 3 January 2018, but at every stage the City Council has dragged its feet and even now Scotland's largest and best resourced council is unable - or unwilling - to confirm when my FOI request will be answered. Hence my application to SIC for a decision because as things stand the Council is breaking the law by failing to observe the FOISA time limits of 20 working days to answer an FOI request or and FOI Review Request. In my view, the underlying problem is the arrogant, unprofessional behaviour of senior officials who pay lip service to the Council's policy of 'openness and transparency', and although I am challenging their behaviour with my appeal to SIC ...