Can't Have It Both Ways

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Nigel Farage and his fellow 'Brexit' campaigners (like Boris Johnson) are crying foul over a comment by Jean-Claude Juncker that the UK will receive a 'frosty' reception if it votes to eave the European Union on 23 June.

UKIP leader Nigel Farage (pronounce Far-raj) said:

"I think Project Fear will now move on to Project Threat. It sounds to me like Mr Juncker is playing that game.”

But Nigel's claim of threats and intimidation are completely daft if you ask.

Because it's bit like a trade union saying that someone can decide not to become a member   or decide to leave, yet keep all the benefits of union membership.

Now I know that the 'benefits' of trade union membership are hard to spot these days, certainly in areas where the trade union leaders have done the employer's dirty work over equal pay, instead standing up for their lowest paid members.

Still, the general principle is clear - if you are no longer a member of a 'club', if you decide no longer to pay your dues, you can't have your cake and eat it at the same time.

In other words, grow up Nigel, Bojo & Co.  

 Image result for nigel farage and boris johnson + images


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