Religious Fruitcakes

I've written previously on the blog site about the American evangelical preacher - Harold Camping - who predicted that the world would end numerous times, for example, on 21 May 2011 which I wrote about at the time.

Yet on every occasion he was proved wrong the old fraudster didn't bat an eyelid - and just just kept moving the date forward to suit himself and his multi-million dollar religious racket.

So it is with a certain amount of sadness that I read of Harold Camping death last week, aged 92, although whether he predicted his own demise I am not sure.

Judgement Day (21 May 2011)

What have you got on today?

If you're planning a big shop at the supermarket - or doing the weekly pile of ironing - then you just might want to think again - or at least put things off for 24 hours.

Because a 'born again' preacher in America - Harold Camping - is predicting that Jesus Christ will return to earth today (Saturday) - and that 'true believers' will be swept up or raptured into heaven.

I can hardly wait - though it might come as a bit of a shock to the world's Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, Bhuddists and so on - never mind all the non-believers.

So if you don't read another post from me tomorrow (Sunday) - then you'll know what's happened.

Harold Camping - who is 89 apparently - says that biblical texts indicate that a giant earthquake on Saturday will mark the start of the world's destruction - and that by 21 October 2011 all non-believers will be dead.

At least that's something - I might have a few months to put my affairs in order and wind up the blog site - in a suitably chastened fashioned, no doubt.

Apparently, Harold has predicted an apocalypse once before - in 1994 - although he now says that only referred to an 'intermediary stage'.

Now I'm sure that was the same year Tony Blair got elected as the leader of the New Labour party - though maybe that's just a coincidence.

Atheists in some parts of America are planning to hold 'rapture parties' - to show what they think of this old fruit loop and his prophecies of doom.

Oh what I'd give to be at one - with maybe Christopher Hitchens for company - but then again, maybe I'll just have my own little rapture party - right here.

See you tomorrow - fingers crossed.

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