Hotline to God

Predictably, but still causing maximum offence, one of the killer's of Drummer Lee Rigby, Michael Adobolajo, has admitted taking another human being's life, but denies this amounted to murder because he acting as a 'soldier of Allah' at the time.

Now in one sense there is no answer to this kind of deluded mindset and in their 'right', as they see things, to impose their own religious and political outlook on others - even to the point of extreme violence and taking someone else's life.

In a statement to the court, Adebolajo revealed that he has no less than six young children who lives are all being supported, I presume, by the UK state since the young man appears to have no visible means of support - while pursuing a 'jihadist' lifestyle at home and abroad.

Adebolajo is no soldier of course, no God worthy of the name singled out Drummer Lee Rigby and no God forced Adebolajo to take the life of another defenceless human being - whose head Adebolajo tried to remove as a religious trophy and sign of his disrespect to the society in which he grew up.

So, let the court do its work and speak for all of us by sending Adebolajo and his accomplice Michael Adebowale to prison - for the rest of their lives.

In God's Name (3 December 2013)

Isn't it odd that the two cowards on trial for murdering Drummer Lee Rigby - Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale - now ask that the UK courts treat them both with respect and dignity. 

The two men have requested the authorities to use their recently adopted Islamic names - yet they showed no similar courtesy to the young off-duty soldier making his way back to his barracks.

No, despite being brave warriors (in their own minds at least) they sneaked up behind Lee Rigby and literally mowed him down with their car - so the soldier had no chance of fighting back before he was attacked mercilessly, with knives and cleavers, while lying defenceless on the ground.

When people who could fight back arrived on the scene, the two killers ran towards the police - weapons in hand - which in other circumstances might be mistaken for an act of courage and defiance.

Yet what Adebolajo and Adebowale were seeking by that time was 'death by cop' - having down their best to dishonour Lee Rigby's lifeless body.

Any cop would have done the job, I'm sure, even a female police officer, which would have been ironic given the comments the two men had made just minutes before - about the kind of restricted role that Islamist extremists have in mind for women in society. 

But the police managed to injure and restrain the two jihadists rather than kill them  and now they face their worse nightmare - a lifetime in prison rather than an early death and martyrdom, which sounds good to me.

The downside is that Lee Rigby's family will have to listen to nauseating speeches from Adebolajo and Adebowale which will say that they killed in their God's name, but should we have any respect for this kind of excuse - even if the two men believe what they say to be true?

I think not.

Because in his own way, the Norwegian fascist, Anders Breivik, who killed 77 people in cold blooded attacks in Oslo and Utøya in 2011 - yet claimed that he was acting out of a sincere belief as well, albeit a deluded and ridiculous one. 

So, while Adebolajo and Adebowale are entitled to due process, they are in essence no different from Anders Breivik and in some ways their hate-filled political ideology is just the same - the opposite side of the same coin.   

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