Fission Chips

The Guardian ran a very funny story the other day which shared with the whole world some of the favourite jokes of UK scientists.

Here are my two favourites, but isn't it great to know that Britain's brainiest boffins have such a ridiculous sense of humour.

An electron and a positron go into a bar.

Positron: "You're round."
Electron: "Are you sure?"
Positron: "I'm positive."

I think I heard this on Radio 4 after the publication of a record (small) measurement of the electron electric dipole moment – often explained as the roundness of the electron – by Jony Hudson et al in Nature 2011.

Joanna Haigh, professor of atmospheric physics, Imperial College, London

What is a physicist's favourite food? 
Fission chips.

Callum Roberts, professor in marine conservation, University of York

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