Bonus Balls

I am a man with a mission - as they say.

I am trying to discover who is - or was - the brains behind the North Lanarkshire Council bonus scheme.

Which resulted in £184,000 worth of top-up payments - to the council's most senior officials including the chief executive, Gavin Whitefield.

I am told by a well placed source - one very close to the council - that this exercise was carried out entirely in-house - and was not farmed out to any independent third party.

Which wouldn't suprise me - because it has all the hallmarks of a rather cosy in-house deal - which hasn't been subjected to much, if any, independent scrutiny.

But if any readers can help me by providing further details - I'd be greatly obliged.

Because I think this business of performance pay - for only the most highly paid officials of the council - is a complete scandal and a terrible waste of taxpayers' money.

One clue that might help people is the reference number on the document that was finally dragged out of North Lanarkshire Council - after another very time consuming and time wasting Freedom of Information request.

Why do these council say they support Freedom of Information when - in practice - they do fight tooth and nail to keep things under wraps?

Anyway the reference on the document is HR/IW apparently - and good folks working within the council may be able to decipher what this means - and where the trail might lead next.

So if you have any ideas, drop Mark Irvine a note - in complete confidence of course - at the following e-mail address:

I've been keeping an eye out to see what the trade unions have to say - if anything - on the latest revelations from North Lanarkshire.

I haven't spotted anything so far - but then again I don't always see the local papers. So if readers have any useful information to pass on - please don't hesitate to do so. 

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