A Better Breakfast

A kind reader from North Lanarkshire Council (NLC) has sent me a copy of the latest NLC newsletter - issued by the council's chief executive - Gavin Whitefield.

Here's an extract which made me laugh because it really is - in my opinion - a load of verbal diarrhoea.

Self-important, self-serving drivel from start to finish - especially after the dog's dinner North Lanarkshire Council has made of equal pay. 

Or maybe - in the circumstances - a better term would be a 'pig's breakfast'.

Anyway if anyone understands what the second paragraph of the CEO's newsletter means - please drop me a note and put me out of my misery.


The most important meal of the day took on a new meaning on 22 February, when I joined many of my fellow public sector lead officers at a breakfast seminar hosted by the Scottish Government and the Equality and Human Rights Commission in Edinburgh. The object was to discuss the new Scottish equality duties coming into place this spring and their potential effect on the future of Scotland’s public services.

Designed to improve the performance of the Public Sector Equality Duty, the new Scotland-specific duties are intended to provide a tool to help achieve the strategic goals and outcomes set by that Duty.

Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon MSP and Trevor Phillips, Chair of the EHRC, welcomed speakers including Kaliani Lyle, EHRC Commissioner for Scotland and Lynn Welsh, Head of Legal at the Commission in Scotland. Their presentations were certainly informative and the session that followed was most worthwhile and I’m sure provided all of us with plenty of food for thought.

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