Ich Bin Ein Milibander

In my view the Labour party has got itself into a terrible mess over 'cuts' and public spending - of which more later.

But in the meantime here's a post from April 2011 - an extract of from the Private Eye - making fun of Ed Miliband's speech to a TUC 'anti-cuts' protest in the spring of last year.

Now I can see why the Bubs are mad at Ed - they get him elected as Labour leader, he eggs them on, and even joins their rallies and protests - but suddenly Ed decides to dump them when the going gets tough - without so much as a backward glance.

Maybe they deserve each other - time will tell.

Ich Bin Ein Milibander (April 10 2011)

The latest edition of Private Eye contains the following spoof of Ed Miliband's speech at Hyde Park - to the 'anti-cuts' protesters led by the TUC.

That Miliband Hyde Park Speech - What You Missed.

"My fellow Americans, I have a dream, a dream of a country where women get the vote and black people can sit on buses without fear of being arrested, yes, this is the Britain we are marching towards, a Britain where slavery has been abolished and every Tolpuddle Martyr has been freed.

Today I stand before you, a simple Labour leader, to join your protest against some of the cuts, though obviously not all of them because let's face it if we'd been elected we would have to have made some too... (boos from audience).

No let me finish if it hadn't been for the previous Labour government we wouldn't be here today, hang on ...(more boos from audience) let me finish by saluting you all and assuring you in the words of Martin Luther Kennedy, "Ich Bin Ein Milibander".

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