Advice on Equal Pay

I came across this previous post to the blog site - involving a query from a trade union rep - who was asking whether or not she had as a former 'APT&C worker' - had a valid equal pay claim.

As you can see the reader was being given 'duff' advice - by both her employer and trade union.

Sadly an experience that was all too common - across the length and breadth of Scotland.

Union Advice on Equal Pay (December 14th 2010)

Here's a recent enquiry from a visitor to the blog site - about the advice provided by her trade union - in connection with a potential equal pay claim.

Hi Mark

I thought i would contact you because I've been asking questions of my employer and union for the best part of 18 months and still have got no answers!

I work for XXXXX Council and am also a senior union rep.

My job title is marketing assistant and I'm on a grade C which was the old scale 3. I believed I had an equal pay claim, but when I raised this with the union they didn't support me.

My question is Mark, do I have a valid claim because i've been led to believe from the union and the council that I haven't?

I will quote one officer of the council "If we start paying out for admin staff now then we might as well close the council down now".

Any answers you've got for me will be much appreciated because I'm not sure of where to turn now.

Kind regards


Dear SM

Action 4 Equality Scotland has achieved equal pay settlements for many admin workers in Scotland.

The blog site explains why admin workers (or former APT&C) workers have just as valid equal pay claims - as employees in former manual worker jobs.

The real issue is the skill and responsibility of your job - and how you are paid in comparison to other council employees.

So don't believe what council managers and the unions tell you - they are effectively on the same side as each other - in many areas of the country.

Kind regards


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