Equal Pay

I get regular e-mails from male readers who want to know why male workers - 'had essentially the same equal pay claims as women - and why nothing was done about it for so long.

Well the answer is the same for men and women - the trade unions kept their members in the dark for years - both men and women - but male workers had perfectly valid claims so long as the women's claims were successful first.

For a long time the trade unions seemed not to understand this - and told many of their male members to get lost - when they raised a query about equal pay. 

I've lost count of the number of male union members who have told me the same story - when the issue was raised at local union meetings.

So here are a couple of previous posts from the blog site - which explain the background.

Male Claims (May 27th 2010)

Enquiries continue to flood in from readers who want to know what the rights of male workers are - in terms of equal pay.

Here's an article explaining the background - that was first published on the Action 4 Equality Scotland blog site in 2009 - the contact phone number has been changed, but nothing else.

The current position is that non-bonus earning male workers, generally speaking, do have a valid claim - but the situation varies from council to council.

So, if you need a word about the position in your own council - contact Mark Irvine or ring Action 4 Equality Scotland on 0131 652 7366.

Male Workers' Claims (August 10th 2009)

The recent breakthrough case male claimants at the Employment Appeal Tribunal – see post dated 25 June 2009 - has understandably generated a great deal of interest.

Lots of readers have been in touch to say “Well done” to Action 4 Equality Scotland - and Stefan Cross Solicitors.Because when male members raised the issue with their trade unions – they were told to get lost - that they had no chance of success.

But now the worm has turned – and the stance taken by Action 4 equality Scotland has been completely vindicated - by the recent landmark case of McAvoy v South Tyneside Borough Council at the Employment Appeal Tribunal.

The underlying issue was always about common sense and the right equal treatment under the law – about treating both men and women fairly – even though the majority of equal pay claimants in Scotland are female.

The key point is that the groups of male workers - who never received bonus payments – always had an argument – so long as female council workers were successful in establishing their own claims.

Once a settlement for the women had been achieved – the employers were in the difficult position of having to justify why the non-bonus earning male group – should be treated any differently to the non-bonus earning female group.

The court was invited to agree that to do so - without good cause - amounted to sex discrimination against the men.

Thankfully the Employment Appeal Tribunal agreed.

So, if you’ve been let down by poor union advice – and you want to pursue an equal pay claim via Action 4 Equality Scotland – then get in touch.

You can either drop Mark Irvine a note at: markirvine@compuserve.com or ring Action 4 Equality Scotland on 031 652 7366.

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