Have Your Say

The Scottish Government is pulling out all the stops to allow - and encourage - people to have their say in the forthcoming referendum - planned for the autumn of 2014.

The questions or questions to be put before the Scottish people - have still to be decided - but there will at least be one question on whether or not Scotland should become an independent country.

But whether you think that things should remain just as they are right now - or you support independence - or something in between like Devo Max - then this is the chance for your voice to be heard.

Which is a good thing - to my mind - because otherwise everything is left to the professional politicians and political parties to decide.

I have already downloaded the Consultation Paper and Response Form from the Scottish Government's web site at - www.scotland.gov.uk

Here is an extract from the Consultation Paper - along with some links that readers might find useful - I plan to read all the papers and submit my own response in the next week or so - once I've reflected on all the issues.

I will put my own response up on the blog site at that stage - but this is a unique  opportunity for everyone to have their say - and their voice heard.

So take my advice and grab the chance with both hands.  

5 How to Comment

• This consultation is your opportunity to shape the referendum on Scotland’s constitutional future. Responses should be made by Friday 11 May 2012.

• It would be helpful to have your response by email or using the electronic response form. The electronic response form can be accessed at the following website address: https://consult.scotland.gov.uk/.
You can also email your response to the mailbox below.
• We are, of course, happy to receive written submissions too.
It would be helpful to have your response using the electronic response form. The electronic response form can be accessed at the following website address:
https://consult.. scotland.gov.uk

You can also email your response to referendum@scotland.gsi.gov.uk

Written submissions:
Referendum Consultation
Elections and Constitutional Development Division
Area 3D (South)
Victoria Quay

We would be grateful if you would use the consultation questionnaire provided or would clearly indicate in your response which questions or parts of the consultation paper you are responding to, as this will aid our analysis of the responses received.

This consultation, and all other Scottish Government consultation exercises, can be viewed online on the consultation web pages of the Scottish Government website at:


You can telephone Freephone 0800 77 1234 to find out where your nearest public internet access point is. The Scottish Government has an email alert system for consultations. This system, called SEconsult, allows individuals and organisations to register and receive a weekly email with details of all new consultations (including web links).

SEconsult complements, but in no way replaces, Scottish Government distribution lists. It is designed to allow people with an interest to keep up to date with all Scottish Government consultation activity. You can register at SEconsult:


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