
When I wrote the post yessterday about Tom Harris and his silly spoof video on First Minister Alex Salmond - I had no idea that this 'Hitler rant' nonsense was so popular.

Actually the spoof videos are all based on a serious film starring Bruno Ganz - who gives a great performance and plays the part of Adolf Hitler really well.

Although it turns out there are dozens of similar attempts at such schoolboy humour - most of which fall flat - I have to say.

But here's one on the 'downfall' of Tom Harris himself - would you believe - must have been done in record time.

Now this is mildly funny because it shows Tom 'being hoist on his own petard' - which regular readers will know means 'being blown up by his own bomb'.

The second one is a spoof about the former Labour leader Gordon Brown - which is painful to watch and not remotely funny - because it is so deliberately cruel and cuts so close to the bone.

Tom Harris in a 'Downfall' spoof


Gordon Brown in 'Downfall' spoof


But to my mind we've had enough of this nonsense - time for people to give it all a rest and think up something original - to say or do.

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