Me, Vexatious?

I allowed myself a wry smile while reading the decision of the Scottish Information Commissioner (SIC) - regarding South Lanarkshire Council.

See post dated 18 March 2011 - Colonel Gaddafi in Disguise.

The reason being at Paragarph 3 the SIC decision records South Lanarkshire's response to my FOI requests - which the council had the bare faced cheek to describe as 'vexatious'.

Now vexatious has a specific meaning in this context - it suggested that my FOI request had absolutely no merit - and was being pursued solely to harass and annoy the council.

Me, vexatious?

Well clearly that was a load of old baloney - like a lot of things South Lanarkshire says - a cynical delaying tactic that was given short shrift by the Scottish Information Commissioner - who went on to uphold my appeal.

Nothing that South Lanarkshire does these days surprises me - the council is desperate to prevent the truth emerging about its behaviour - which is why it resorts to such tactics.

If you would like a copy of the Scottish Information Commissioner's decision - drop me a note at:

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