Foot N Mouth

John Rentoul reports on a serious case of 'foot n mouth' on his blog site - involving the general secretary of the GMB union - Paul Kenny.

Paul Kenny was interviewed earlier today on the BBC's Today programme - apparently - a broadcasting moment I missed, thankfully.

But the union's double standards are exposed on John Rentoul's blog site - which can be accessed via The Independent newspaper at:

Union members will be interested to know that the GMB is spending their hard earned contributions - in support of the 'No to AV' Campaign.

How much I don't know for certain - but union members should surely be entitled to such information.

If you're a GMB member, why not ring Paul Kenny and ask him straight out:

"How come AV is good enough for electing the Labour Party leader - but not Members of Parliament?"

"Paul Kenny, general secretary of the GMB union and a leading opponent of the Alternative Vote, got himself into an entertaining tangle on the Today programme this morning. It was put to him that the Labour Party uses AV for its internal elections, including the one that gave him his party back under the leadership of Ed Miliband. Under First Past the Post David Miliband would have won.

Kenny replied:The Labour Party election system is a basis of transferable votes, that’s true, but it’s not as simple as the AV system, and some people may say, and quite a few did afterwards, that it didn’t produce the right result.

Norman Smith: It produced the result you wanted.

Paul Kenny: It did produce the result we wanted."

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