Scots on Stage

When it suits her purpose Nicola Sturgeon claims to be  First Minister for the whole of Scotland including the majority of voters who don't support the SNP.

Yet it seems the only Scots she ever plugs and promotes as First Minister are fellow nationalists and/or Indy supporters - windbags like Brian Cox who feels the need for 'Scotland to be free' so much that he lives in America. 

No Fool Like An Old Fool - Brian Cox (November 09, 2021_

'There's no fool like an old fool', so they say, and Brian Cox seems determined to prove the accuracy of this old adage with his claim that the Scots are very different and have different sensibilities from our southern neighbours.

Cox, of course, lives in New York and has another family home in London where he seems perfectly settled, along with his 'different sensibilities'.

Mind you, I've always thought that folk from Dundee are a bit strange, but 'that's life' as they say.

 40. There's no fool like an old fool meaning in English

Brian Cox - Strange Socialist (November 07, 2021)

Brian Cox says he’s a socialist. 

If true he’s supporting a non-socialist party which has no regard for even social justice, eg how can key workers in the NHS be offered an across the board pay rise of 4% yet essential workers in local councils be worth so much less?

Truth is that the SNP are a party of the 'haves' rather that he have nots and their key policies are all targeted on the middle classes - from tuition fees to abolishing the council tax for under 22-year-olds.

Where Has All The Money Gone? (July 19, 2021)

Iain Macwhirter makes a fair point about where all the extra spending has gone under the last 14 years of the SNP, but the answer is that the lion's share has been directed at Scotland's professional middle classes - not the 'have nots' and less well off. 

On things like abolishing the council tax for under 22-year-olds or providing tablets and laptops to families who don't need the extra help.

Coronavirus and money: What to do if you're made bankrupt | Metro News


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